Data security network


Using the guidelines below, the publisher grants permission for users to make content, images, audio, music, and/or cutscenes and publish to YouTube or similar digital services.


  • Do not take assets from our content (e.g. voice, music, items) and distribute them separately
  • Do not charge or restrict users from access to your videos
  • Do not sell or license your videos to others for payment of any kind

Failure to abide by these content guidelines may result in the publisher having the video removed.  The publisher will, at its sole discretion, determine if a video does not comply with these content guidelines. You are free to monetize videos via the partner programs with YouTube, or similar services whereby a website may pay you for views of a video if you are accepted into their partner program. The publisher retains all ownership and rights of its produced content, and may terminate or change the terms of this agreement at its sole discretion.


Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service offered by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”. Cookies are text files that are stored on your computer to analyse how you use our website. They store, for instance, information on your operating system, your browser, your IP address, the website you visited immediately beforehand (referrer URL) and the date and time you visit our website. The information on how you use our website generated by this text file is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google uses this information to analyse how you use our website and compiles reports on website activity for the website provider, as well as offering other services related to website use and internet use. In as far as required by law or if third-parties process these data on behalf of Google, Google will pass on this information to third-parties. This information is anonymised or pseudoymised. If you would like to know more, visit Google.


We collect personal data of our workers, candidates, suppliers, business contacts, shareholders and website users. We will always try to give individuals appropriate notice of what data will be collected and how it will be used. Whatever happens, we will only process that data if we consider it fair and lawful to do so.


We may transfer personal data to our contracted service providers and advisors who may be located in other countries. Before we do so, we take steps to ensure that your personal data will be given adequate protection as required by relevant data protection laws and Safe Secure Societies internal policies.

However, there will be other times when we need to share or disclose personal data you provide for a specific purpose, for example:

  • In the case we are running a joint event and have informed you that the data will be shared with our partners. But again, we will notify you as to why we are asking for specific information and it is completely up to you whether you want to provide it;
  • We may need to disclose your personal data to third parties in the event that we sell or liquidate any part of our business or assets;
  • We will disclose or share your personal data to comply with any legal obligation, or to enforce or apply our Terms of Use; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of Safe Secure Societies, our clients, or others.